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Facts about Savonlinna

Savonlinna is in the province of Eastern Finland in the region of Etelä Savo (South Savo). Savonlinna’s neighbouring municipalities are Enonkoski, Heinävesi, Kesälahti, Kitee, Liperi, Rantasalmi, Rääkkylä, Sulkava and Varkaus.

Savonlinna has a population of 34 686 (31.12.2017), and an area of 3,598 km², 1,358 km² of which is water. The population density is 15.48 inhabitants/km². Savonlinna is particularly known for its castle, Olavinlinna, and the Opera Festival held there.


Province: Eastern Finland
Nearest towns: Kitee 85 km, Varkaus 86 km, Mikkeli 103 km
Nearest airport: Savonlinna 15 km
Nearest sea port: Hamina 236 km
Nearest inland harbour connected to the sea: Savonlinna deep water harbour


Finnish 96,33%
Swedish 0,13%
Other 3,54 %