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Tourist Information

Riihisaari is also the site of the Savonlinna Regional Tourist Information Desk! Our staff answer questions and provide travel tips for the area during regular museum opening hours.

Lapsi ja aikuinen tutkivat näyttöä. Vieressä kahvipannu nuotiolla. Taustalla haloista tehty seinä. Myös pelastusliivit näkyvät.

The Riihisaari Tourist Information area is worth a visit all by itself, with a cosy lean-to and an indoor campfire for visitors to enjoy while perusing our selection of brochures and maps of local travel destinations. Our friendly staff are ready to assist you!

The Tourism Information area is wheelchair accessible, and the entire main museum building has free wi-fi for visitors. Don’t forget to visit our museum shop, which is only footsteps away.


Customer Service Riihisaari

Tel. 044 417 4466

Postal Address: Riihisaari, 57130 Savonlinna

Visiting Address: Riihisaari

Email Address: riihisaari@savonlinna.fi