In English – Punkaharju primary school
Presentation of Punkaharju primary school
Contact information
Punkaharju School
Grades 1-9
Kouluniementie 16, 58500 Punkaharju
Pirhonen Riina, principal
Phone +358 44 417 5455
Punkaharju school has students in grades 1-9. The school has a little over 200 students. A new school is built in Punkaharju at 2024. When talking about Punkaharju, it is absolutely necessary to mention nature and beautiful landscapes, which the school’s students can enjoy, e.g. on the school’s own touring bikes on trips to the surrounding area in autumn and spring.
Punkaharju school has a homely atmosphere. There is just the right amount of us that we quickly get to know each other. The school’s events, parties and visits pleasantly color the school’s everyday life. It’s nice to see the entire line of the primary school, from small first graders to the big ones. Messages travel diligently between homes and school – school work is joint work. Welcome to Punkaharju school!
Student welfare
Our school’s communal and multidisciplinary student care team is responsible for planning, implementing, developing and evaluating the school’s student care. The student care team is headed by the principal.
Individual student care meetings meet in different configurations as needed.
- School nurse is Sini Laukkanen. As a rule, Sini works at our school every day and informs us separately if he has to work at other workplaces. The best way to contact the health nurse is through Wilma.
- The school doctor is usually at the school twice a month, on pre-arranged days. Appointment through the health nurse.
- School curator Jasmin Kupiainen is available almost every day. The best way to contact Jasmin is through Wilma.
- The school’s student care team requests the school psychologist’s service to the school if necessary. The psychologist is best reached through Wilma.
Parents Association
Punkaharju school has a parents’ association, whose board members are elected annually from among the guardians. The parents’ association organizes events that develop cooperation between home and school. The parents’ association supports and encourages students every year by awarding scholarships to the top performers and everyday heroes of the classes.
Student union and support students
The school has a student council, to which all students belong. The instructors of the student union activities are Sirpa Holi in the lower grades and Asta Laamanen in the upper grades.
The student union board is made up of students who have been chosen from among the students who voluntarily applied to participate in the activity, through an interview with the principal/teachers supervising the student union in the middle school, and based on a vote in the classes in the elementary school. At the fall assembly, the students elect the officials of the board. The junior school also has a student union board and practices participatory activities.
The student union board aims to meet regularly during the school year. The meetings are held either as an extended half-hour meeting or as an hourly meeting, depending on the number of issues to be discussed.
The goal of the student union is to increase students’ enjoyment, participation and responsibility for common issues. The student union, e.g. deals with the issues presented by the students (initiative box), organizes the school’s common theme and event days, decides on the choice of taxi destination and maintains cooperation between teachers and students.
The board of the student union participates in the development activities of the school together with the school staff. Representatives of the student union board can be present at teacher meetings and in the school-specific student care group when matters concerning the entire work community are discussed, e.g. the school year plan, rules of order, work well-being, comfort and safety of the school environment.
Support student activities
Support student activities aim to create a positive we-spirit in the school and combat loneliness and bullying. The goal is also to increase the participation of young people by offering them opportunities to influence the everyday life of the school. Support students are involved in organizing various school events and theme days together with the student union board. However, the most important thing is caring for others every day.
A support student is above all a fair friend and a person of trust and connection between the students and the school staff. Support student activities are supervised by Sonja Hägg.
The order rules of Punkaharju school
1. The purpose of the order rules
The purpose of the order rules is to promote order within the school, the unobstructed flow of studies, and the safety and comfort of the school community.
2. Student’s rights and obligations
The student has the right to free basic education, support education, the right to a safe learning environment, the right to equal and equal treatment, the right to personal freedom and integrity, and the right to the protection of private life.
It is the student’s duty to participate in the lesson, to complete the tasks conscientiously and to behave in a matter-of-fact manner. Permission for an absence of less than three days is granted by the class supervisor, and for an absence longer than that, the principal.
3. Good manners
- I behave politely and matter-of-factly, following good manners.
- I use factual language. I don’t swear.
- I dress appropriately and according to the weather. I don’t stay in classrooms, canteens and school events wearing a headscarf or hood.
- I take care of the school’s property and am liable for compensation.
- I take care of the cleanliness of my workplace and the school environment.
- I respect the physical integrity and property of others. I do not accept or participate in any kind of bullying or creating danger so that everyone can feel safe at school, both mentally and physically.
- I will not photograph other students or school staff and publish recordings without the permission of the parties concerned.
- I don’t carry energy drinks with me, and I don’t consume them during the school day.
- Soft drinks, sweets or other unhealthy snacks are not part of the school day.
- I don’t eat gum in class.
- I do not bring or use any tobacco products and intoxicants at school and on school grounds.
- I do not bring dangerous or inappropriate substances or objects to school or school grounds.
4. Lessons
- I arrive at classes punctually with study materials and homework done.
- I leave my shoes inside the classroom next to the exit when I enter the classroom. I leave my outer clothes in the coat rack.
- I greeted the teacher and the visitors while standing.
- I keep my phone and other electronic devices on silent and out of sight during lessons, unless it has been separately agreed with the teacher.
- I study conscientiously and diligently, respecting work peace.
- I don’t eat or drink during lessons.
5. Intermediate classes
- I go out during outdoor recess without a separate prompt.
- Outdoor toilets can be used with the supervisor’s permission.
- I only leave the school grounds with the teacher’s permission. I follow the seasonal time limits.
- I use mobile and Bluetooth devices during recess so that they do not disturb others.
- I don’t throw snowballs anywhere other than in the designated throwing area.
- I bear my responsibility for shared use of the cafe. I listen to music in such a way that a conversation at a normal volume is possible.
6. Dining
- I participate in meals in my own turn, following good eating habits.
- I do not bring a backpack, headgear or outerwear to the canteen. I don’t hold my phone up while eating.
- I take care of good hand hygiene.
- I give food peace to others.
- I taste different foods.
- I eat in the canteen, sitting in my seat. I don’t take food outside the canteen.
- I pick up my own chair when leaving the canteen.
7. School trip
- I travel to school, move to sports venues and to lessons outside the school area in compliance with the school’s rules of order, traffic rules and other given instructions.
- Students in grades 3-9 are allowed to cycle to school in compliance with traffic rules. According to the law, cyclists must wear an appropriate protective helmet.
- I keep bicycles, mopeds, etc. locked in the places reserved for them on the school grounds.
In addition to the previous rules of order, I follow the instructions given by the teachers and other staff.